denn meine Frau und ich sind immer noch in Deutschland und wir kommen erst Dezember am 3 Dezember 2015 in Hua Hin an, wenn es möglich wäre, möchte ich gerne den Besichtigungstermin am 04.12.2015 am Nachmittag vereinbaren.
because my wife and I are still in Germany and we arrive first December on 3 December 2015 in Hua Hin, if it were possible, I would like to agree the appointment on the 04.12.2015 in the afternoon.
because my wife and I are still in Germany and we only come on 3 December December 2015 in Hua Hin, if it were possible, I would like to arrange a viewing appointment on 12.4.2015 in the afternoon.
my wife and i are still in germany and we won't come december, on 3 december 2015 in hua hin, if it were possible, i would like to make the appointment for the 04.12.2015 this afternoon.