ประมวลพระยาธรรม 12 ผูก
Die 12 Regeln der Dharma Lehre
Amen, ich erhebe die Hände über meinen Kopf und huldige die Lehre Buddhas, die er als „Dharma“ für uns zusammengefasst hat.
Alles, was geschieht, hat er vorher gewusst: Jedes Hochwasser, jeden schlechten Menschen, fehlender Zusammenhang, all dass, was uns Probleme bereitet. Er begleitet jeden, der gut ist, in den Himmel. Er fasst alles zusammen im M.S. 5. Die Civilize Ära entsteht in einer Regierung, die bei einem Führungswechsel durch Umsturz entstanden ist. Alle Menschen in jedem Winkel des Landes sind aufgebracht, aufgrund der Machtgier mancher Menschen, die einen politischen Posten haben möchten, egal zu welchem Preis.
Einmal ist es eine Frau, die als Staatsoberhaupt das Land zu Wohlstand führt. Ein anderes Mal sind es viele Menschen, die die Religion unterstützen. Aus allen drei Elementen entsteht die Civilize Ära und unterschiedliche Menschen versammeln sich alle an einem Ort. Ihr Menschen, vergeudet nicht eure Zeit mit anderen Dingen, bis es zu spät ist. Das Land wird vom Norden in den Süden fließen, wie Lehm, der mit Wasser gemischt wird.
Eine Flut wird aufsteigen und alles zerstören. Ein Heer von Drachenschlangen, so groß wie Bäume, versammeln sich im Süden. Menschen versuchen, vor den Wassermassen zu fliehen, denn die Elemente lehnen sich auf. Sie wissen nicht, wohin sie fliehen sollen, denn in allen Richtungen ist nichts als Wasser.
In dieser Zeit verderben die schlechten Menschen das Umfeld.
Gefährliche Tiere verbreiten sich, Schlangen und Krokodile. Menschen werden ausgebeutet, wenn die Menschen nicht an die Religion glauben und sich nicht an die Lehre halten, aber Macht wollen. Ihnen muss erklärt werden, dass sie sich im Civilize Zeitalter befinden und der wahre Herrscher in Ban Saen Chani lebt. Dort wo der Nagel von Pu Yai Mokkalana aufbewahrt wird. Er hat gesagt, dass es ein Hochwasser geben wird, in dem viele Menschen sterben, aus Zorn, es wird ein Gewitter geben und Erdbeben. Suriyathat wird erscheinen, ohne Ankündigung. Phra Narai wird aufpassen und alle Heiligen werden darauf achten, dass die Religion fortgeführt wird.
Es wird eine Drachenschlange kommen, mit dem Namen Maharuet, sie wird als Mensch geboren und helfen, die Religion fortzuführen. Der Norden und der Nordosten werden sich weiterentwickeln. Zentralthailand wird von einem Hochwasser heimgesucht und überschwemmt. 7 hohe Persönlichkeiten aus dem Königshaus werden kommen und helfen, die Religion zu unterstützen und eine neue Civilize Ära wiederaufbauen.
Der Fußabdruck, die Reliquien, das Blut, die Kristalle, die Asche, die Buddha für uns vorbereitet hat, dienen als Beweis und sind im Felsen aufgeschrieben, Sie bringen Ruhm und Reichtum in die Städte Nakhon Saen Kham, Nakhon Son Mueang, Wat Prathat Mueang Bua Tempel. Nakhon Champa Si in der Provinz Khon Kaen, Wat Huai Due in der Provinz Loei und die Provinz Kalasin haben dabei geholfen. 72 Personen haben sich für die Religion eingesetzt. Sie haben sich abgewechselt und gegenseitig unterstützt und geholfen, so dass der Ruhm im ganzen Land verbreitet werden konnte.
Geh nicht weiter im Dunkeln, sondern nehme dass, was schon ganz nah bei dir ist. Es gibt nur einen Weg, den du einschlagen kannst. Buddha sagt, dass die Reichen so arm werden, wie die Armen und die Armen werden keine Mühe mehr haben, satt zu werden. Denn sie haben ein reines Herz. Den Reichen aber wird es schlecht gehen, denn sie haben nicht gespendet.
Obwohl sie reich sind, so wird doch nichts übrig bleiben für sie, wenn sie sterben.
Er weiß alles und er merkt sich alles, wer Gutes tut und wer nicht. Er notiert es für den Foltermeister der Hölle. Wir müssen zusammenhalten und uns an die Lehre halten, um uns von schlechtem Karma zu befreien.
Konzentriere dich und befreie dich von deinen Launen, denn das lenkt dich von den Gebeten ab. Lasst uns von unseren Sünden befreien, denn wir sind alle damit konfrontiert. Diejenigen aber, die kein Dharma haben, sehen es nicht und gehen den falschen Weg. Und sie pflegen keinen freundschaftlichen Umgang miteinander, sie denken nur an sich. Dabei weiß ein jeder, was falsch ist und was gut ist und wir sollten alle in der richtigen Weise handeln. Dann geht es uns gut und wir treffen auf Sam Rom Phot, das sind Phra Ariyo, Phra Khotamo, Phra Pachek Phutha Chao.
An sie müssen wir uns wenden. Phra Kassapa wusste, wo Buddhas Zahn ist, er begab sich dort hin und traf auf den Fingernagel in der Stadt Mueang Kotraphu, zusammen mit den Reliquien.
Auch Phra Angkarn kam dort hin, so wie es Phra In verzeichnet hat. Und im brahmanischen Tempel San Phra Phrom fand man das Blut, von einem Riesen bewacht. Hiernach kam es in den Besitz von Luang Phor Pharansi, er ist Phrayatham.
Phra Narai beschützte dann die Heiligtümer und schrieb 6 Kapitel , die in Nakhon Phanom aufbewahrt wurden, im San Phra Phrom, dem Schlafplatz von Buddha.
600 Jahre später kamen 12 Mönche nach Suvarnabhum und huldigten Luang Phor Tokotama (jetzt ist er in Wat Pa Kham Bon). Bewohner verschiedener Städte befürworten das und unterstützen es. Lass uns gemeinsam ein neues Zuhause erschaffen, mit Buddha und eine blühende Civilize Ära erschaffen.
ประมวลพระยาธรรม 12 ผูกThe 12 rules of the Dharma teaching Amen, I raise the hands over my head and worship the Buddha's teachings, which he summed up as "Dharma" for us.He knew everything that happens before: each flood, every poor people lack connection, all that, what causes us problems. He will accompany anyone who is good in the sky. He summarizes everything in the M.S. 5. The civilize era emerges in a Government that emerged in a leadership succession through roll-over. All people in every corner of the country are upset due to the greed of some people who want to have a political post, no matter at what cost.Once there is a woman who runs the country as head of State to prosperity. Other times there are many people who support the religion. The civilize arises from all three elements era and different people gather all in one place. You people, wasted your time with other things, until it is too late. The country will flow from the North to the South, such as clay, which is mixed with water.A flood will rise up and destroy everything. An army of dragons, snakes, as big as trees, gather in the South. People try to flee before the masses of water, because the elements sit. They don't know where they should flee, because there's nothing as water in all directions.During this time, the bad people ruin the environment.Dangerous animals distribute themselves, snakes and crocodiles. People are exploited, if people believe not on the religion and does not adhere to the doctrine, but want power. Them must be explained that they are age in the civilize and SAEN Chani lives the true ruler in ban. Where the nail is held by Pu Yai Mokkalana. He said that there will be a flood in which many people die from anger, there's a thunderstorm and earthquake. Suriyathat will appear without notice. Phra Narai will fit up and all the saints will make sure that the religion will continue.There will be a Dragon-Snake, named Maharuet, is born as a human being and helping to continue the religion. The North and the Northeast will evolve further. Central Thailand is haunted by a flood and inundated. 7 high personalities of the Royal House will come and help support the religion and era to rebuild a new civilize.The footprint, the relics, the blood, the crystals, the ash, which has prepared the Buddha for us, serve as evidence and are written in the rocks, you bring fame and fortune to the cities of Nakhon Saen Kham, Nakhon son Mueang, Wat Prathat Mueang BUA Temple. Nakhon Champa SI in Khon Kaen province, Wat Huai due in the province of Loei and Kalasin province have helped. 72 people have lobbied for the religion. You have alternated themselves and supported each other, and helped so that the fame across the country could be spread.Go no further in the dark, but take that, which is quite close to you. There is only one way you can take. Buddha says that the rich are so poor, such as the poor and the poor more will have no trouble to be fed. Because they have a pure heart. It will go bad but the rich, because they have not donated.Although they are rich, so nothing is left for them when they die.He knows everything and he everything remembers who does good and who doesn't. He recorded it for the torture master of hell. We need to stick together and keep us on the teaching, to liberate us from bad karma.Concentrate and get rid of your whims, because that distracts you from the prayers. Let free us from our sins, because we are all facing. Those who have no Dharma, not see it and go the wrong way. And they maintain no friendly dealings with each other, they think only of himself. Here, knows everyone, what is wrong and what is good and we should be all in the right way. Then we're fine and we meet Sam Rom Phot, Phra drew, Phra Khotamo, Phra Pachek Phutha Chao.We need to turn to them. Phra Kassapa knew where is Buddha's tooth, he went out there and hit on the finger nail in the city Mueang Kotraphu, together with the relics.There went also Phra iodine, like it Phra in has recorded. And the blood found guarded by a giant in the Brahmanical Temple San Phra Phrom. After this it was owned by Luang Phor Pharansi, he is Phrayatham.Phra Narai then protected the sanctuaries and wrote 6 chapters, which were kept in Nakhon phanom province, in the San Phra Phrom, the sleeping place of Buddha. 600 years later came to Suvarnabhum 12 monks and paid homage to Luang Phor Tokotama (he is now in WAT Pa Kham Bon). Residents of various cities are in favour of this and support it. Let's together created a new home us with Buddha and a flourishing civilize created era.
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ประมวล พระยา ธรรม 12 ผูก
The 12 rules of Dharma teachings . Amen, I raise my hands over my head and worship the Buddha's teachings, which he summarized as "Dharma" for us everything that happens, he has known before: each flood, every bad people; no connection, all that, what gives us problems. He accompanies anyone who is good in the sky. He sums it all up in MS 5. The Civilize era arises in a government that has emerged in a leadership change through revolution. All people in every corner of the country are applied, due to the greed of some people who want to have a political post, no matter at what price. Once there is a woman who leads the country as head of state to prosperity. Another time, there are many people who support the religion. All three elements Civilize the era and different people created all gather in one place. You people, do not waste your time doing other things until it's too late. The country will flow from north to south, like clay that is mixed with water. A flood will rise and destroy everything. An army of dragons snakes as big as trees, gather in the south. People trying to flee from the flood waters, because the elements are revolting. Do not know where to flee, for in all directions is nothing but water. During this time the bad people destroy the environment. Dangerous animals spread, snakes and crocodiles. People are being exploited, if people do not believe in the religion and do not follow the teachings, but want power. You need to be told that they are in Civilize age and the true ruler lives in Ban Saen Chani. Where the nail of Pu Yai Mokkalana is kept. He has said that there will be a flood, in which many people die from anger, it will be a storm and earthquake. Suriyathat will be published without notice. Phra Narai will take care of all the saints, and to be sure that religion will continue. It will be a serpent dragon come up with the name Maharuet, they will be born as a human being and help continue the religion. The North and the Northeast will continue to evolve. Central Thailand is haunted and inundated by a flood. 7 high personalities from the royal house shall come and help to support the religion and rebuild a new Civilize era. The footprint of the relics, the blood, the crystals, the ash, the Buddha has prepared for us, serve as evidence and are rocks written, bring fame and fortune in the cities of Nakhon Saen Kham Mueang Nakhon Son, Wat Prathat Mueang Bua Temple. Nakhon Si Champa in the province of Khon Kaen, Wat Huai Due in Loei province and the province of Kalasin have helped. 72 people have fought for religion. You have alternated and mutually supported and helped, so that the glory across the country could be disseminated. Do not go further in the dark, but suppose that what is already very close to you. There is only one way that you can take. Buddha says that the rich are as poor as the poor and the poor have no more trouble to be filled. Because they have a pure heart. The rich but it will go bad, because they have not donated. Although they are rich, yet there will be nothing left for them when they die. He knows everything and he remembers everything, who does good and who is not. He recorded it for the torture master of hell. We need to stick together and adhere to the doctrine to rid ourselves of bad karma. Concentrate and free yourself from your whims, because that distracts you from the prayers. Let us from our sins, for we are all faced with. But those who have no Dharma, and do not see it going the wrong way. And they do not maintain friendly relationship with each other, they only think of themselves. Here, everyone knows what is wrong and what is good and we should all act in the right way. Then we are doing well and we meet Sam Rome Phot that are Phra Ariyo, Phra Khotamo, Phra Chao pachek Phutha. To them we must turn. Phra Kassapa knew where Buddha's tooth, he went there and met the fingernail in the city Mueang Kotraphu, together with the relics. Phra Angkarn also came out there, as it has in Phra recorded. And in San Phra Phrom Brahmanical temple was found the blood, guarded by a giant. Thereafter, it came into the possession of Luang Phor Pharansi, he is Phrayatham. Phra Narai then protected the shrines and wrote 6 chapters, which were kept in Nakhon Phanom, San Phra Phrom, the sleeping place of Buddha. further 600 years 12 monks came to Suvarnabhum Luang Phor and worshiped Tokotama (now he is at Wat Pa Kham Bon). Residents of different cities advocate and support it. Let's create together a new home, created with Buddha and a thriving Civilize era.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

ประมวลพระยาธรรม 12 ผูก
Die 12 rules of Dharma Lehre
Amen, I raise the hands over my head and render homage to the teachings Buddha, which it as „Dharma “for us summarized hat.
Alles, which happens, has it before known: Each flood, each bad humans, missing connection, all that, which prepares us problems. It accompanies everyone, which is good,into the sky. It seizes everything together in the M.S. 5. the Civilize era develops in a government, that resulted with a change of leadership from revolution. All humans in each angle of the country are, due to the lust for power of some humans, who would like to have a political post, all the same brought up to which Preis.
Einmal are it a woman,as a head of state the country to prosperity leads. Another time are there many humans, who support the religion. From all three elements the Civilize develops era and different humans meets all at a place. , Your time with other things does not waste their humans, until it is too late. The country will flow from the north into the south, like loam,the flood wird.
Eine with water mixed will ascend and everything will destroy. An army of dragon queues, as largely as trees, meet in the south. Humans try to flee before the masses of water because the elements revolt themselves. They do not know, where they are to flee, because in all directions nothing is as Wasser.
In of this time spoils bad humans the Umfeld.
Dangerous animals spread, queues and crocodiles. Humans exploited, if humans believe not in the religion and do not adhere to the teachings, but power to want. It must to them be explained that they are in the Civilize ages and the true ruler in Ban Saen Chani lives. Where the nail is kept by Pu Yai Mokkalana. He said,that it will give a flood, in which many humans die, from anger, it a thunderstorm will give and earthquakes. Suriyathat will appear, without announcement. Phra Narai will watch out and all saints will become will make certain that the religion continued wird.
Es a dragon queue to come, born with the name Maharuet, it as humans and help to continue the religion.The north and the northeast will develop themselves further. Central Thailand is afflicted and inundated by a flood. 7 high personalities from the royal house prepared to come and help to support the religion and a new Civilize era wiederaufbauen.
Der foot casting, the relics, the blood, the crystals, ashes, the Buddha for us,serve as proof and if rock, if you bring fame and wealth are noted into the cities NAK-hone Saen Kham in, NAK-hone such a Mueang, wade to Prathat Mueang Bua temple. NAK-hone Champa SI in the province Khon Kaen, wade to Huai Due in the province Loei and the province Kalasin thereby helped. 72 people supported the religion.They alternated and mutually supported and helped, so that the fame generally speaking country are spread konnte.
Geh not further in the dark, but take that, which is already completely close with you. There is only one way, which you can hit. Buddha says that the realms become so poor, like the arms and to the arms no more trouble will have to become full.Because they have a pure heart. The realms however will badly be, because they to have gespendet.
Obwohl them are not rich, then nevertheless nothing will remain remaining for them, if she knows sterben.
Er everything and he notes everything, who does property and who not. He notes it for the torture master of hell. We must hold together and hold us by the teachings,over us from bad Karma to befreien.
Konzentriere you and free you from your moods, because diverts you from the prayers. Let us from our sins release, because we are confronted all with it. Those however, which no Dharma has, do not see it going and the wrong way. And they do not maintain friendly handling with one another, them only actually think.
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