Das ist ein schöner Wetter, es ist bewolkt und sonnig, mein Gesicht ist hell wie die Sonne. Morgen wird besser und wonnig. everyday is my favorite. the star i like this day so much ich mag diesel Tag gern.
This is a beautiful weather, it is clouded and sunny, my face is bright as the Sun. tomorrow is better and delightfully. everyday is my favorite. the star i like this day so much I like diesel day.
This is a nice weather, it is bewolkt and sunny, my face is bright like the sun. Tomorrow is better and blissful. everyday is my favorite. the star i like this day so much i like diesel day like.
That is beautiful weather, es is bewolkt and sunny, mein face is brightly like the Sonne. Morgen becomes better and wonnig. everyday is my favorite. the star i like this day so much ich likes Diesels day gladly.