Sehr geehrter Herr Morstadt,Sie sind nun leider bisher nicht auf mein  การแปล - Sehr geehrter Herr Morstadt,Sie sind nun leider bisher nicht auf mein  อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Sehr geehrter Herr Morstadt,Sie sin

Sehr geehrter Herr Morstadt,
Sie sind nun leider bisher nicht auf mein e-mail vom 03.03.15 eingegangen.
Mit ist unklar, wie Sie in der übermittelten Vollmacht unter Punkt 2. eine Reduzierung von 3 Directors auf 2 Direktoren kommen.
Ich hatte ja bereits in meiner vorstehend erwähnten mail dargelegt, dass ich einen Herrn HAPPICH SEN. / Wuppertal nicht als eingetragenen Director finden kann, - unabhängig dass die seinerzeitigen Beschlüsse (wenn überhaupt verfasst) bei JNP, sowieso nicht rechtsgültig sein konnten.
Dies dürfte doch auch von Seiten Khun Atithaya bestätigt werden können.
Es gibt einen ordentlichen Austritt/Rücktritt von LUTZ HAPPICH als Director aus dem Board 2013, sowie seine Amtsniederlegung als CEO.

Ich komme zu Ihnen ins Büro um die Angelegenheit zu erledigen und auch um die Originale zu unterzeichnen. Vorschlag: An einem Vormittag möglichst in dieser Woche.

Meine Ehefrau wird als neuer Director von mir benannt, die ID-Karte bringe ich mit (sie war ja auch bisher Angestellte der CETA-Gesellschaft). Mit der Meldung und Eintrag meiner Frau und dem Austritt von Khun Atithaya beim DBD gibt es dann 2 Directoren, nämlich Apiwong Kuhne und mich.

Ich komme nochmals zurück auf Ihre e-mail vom 04. 08. 2014 (das war die Antwort auf die e-mail von Lutz Happich vom gleichen Tag an Sie).
Punkt 3 a.) dieser mail beinhaltete die Namensänderung der Gesellschaft. Dies soll auch so bleiben.
Der Name wäre "KUHNE & ASSOCIATE (SIAM) Co.,Ltd.
Da eine Anteilsübertagung nun neuerdings durch Lutz Happich blockiert wird, entfällt auch die letzte Amtshandlung von Khun Ahitaya.

Ich hätte gern aus Ihrem Dossier 3 Share-Original- Certicats, mit den Nummern 2, 3, 4 (waren bei der Gründung entstanden). Bitte prüfen Sie dies noch.
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Dear Mr. Morstadt,You have not entered now unfortunately so far on my email from the 03.03.15.With, it is unclear how a reduction of 3 Directors on 2 directors come in the submitted authorisation under point 2.I was already in my above mentioned mail set out that I have a Mr HAPPICH SEN. / Wuppertal as a Director can find, - regardless that the JNP, then decisions (if ever written) might be not legally anyway.This is likely can be confirmed also by pages Khun Atithaya. There is a neat exit/withdrawal by LUTZ HAPPICH as Director of the Board of 2013, as well as his resignation as CEO. I come to you in the Office to take care of the matter, and also to sign the originals. Proposal: in a morning in this week if possible. My wife is named as the new Director of mine, I bring the ID card (she was employees of the CETA society Yes well so far). With the message and record of my wife and the outlet of Khun Atithaya at the DBD, there are then 2 directors, namely Apiwong Kuhne and me. I return again to your email from the 04-08 2014 (this was the answer to Lutz Happich's e-mail from the same day).Point 3 (a).) the change of name of the company included this mail. This should remain so.The name would be "KUHNE & ASSOCIATE (SIAM) co., Ltd."A share transfer now now is blocked by Lutz Happich, also the last official act of Khun Ahitaya is eliminated. I'd like 3 share-original-Certicats from your dossier, with the numbers 2, 3, 4 (when establishing arose). Please check this yet.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Dear Mr Morstadt,
you are now now we have not received my e-mail from 03/03/15.
With it is unclear how come you 2. a reduction of 3 Directors on 2 directors in the transmitted power of attorney in point.
I had already stated in my above mentioned mail that I a gentleman HAPPICH SEN. / Wuppertal can not find a registered Director - regardless that out the former decisions (if ever written) in JNP, anyway could not be legally valid.
This is likely to be yet confirmed also by Khun Atithaya.
There is a decent exit / withdrawal from LUTZ HAPPICH as Director of the Board in 2013, and his resignation as CEO. I come to do to the office to the matter and also to sign the originals. Suggestion:. One morning as possible this week My wife is named as the new director of me, the ID card I bring with me (she was also previously employed by the company CETA). With the entry message and my wife and the exit of Khun Atithaya the DBD is there 2 directors, namely Apiwong Kuhne and. Me I shall go back to your e-mail dated 04 08 2014 (this was the answer to the e -mail Lutz Happich the same day to you). Point 3 a.) this mail included the change of name of the Company. This should remain so. The name would be "Kuhne & ASSOCIATE (SIAM) Co., Ltd. Since a proportion About conference is now recently blocked by Lutz Happich, eliminates the last official act of Khun Ahitaya. I would like from your dossier 3 share- original Certicats, with the numbers 2, 3, 4 Please (were incurred in the establishment). Check out this yet.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Dear Mr. Morstadt,
Sie are now unfortunately so far not on my email of 03.03.15 eingegangen.
Mit is unclear, like you in the conveyed authority under point 2. a reduction from 3 Directors to 2 directors kommen.
Ich had in my managing mentioned already email stated that I a Mr. HAPPICH SEN. /Wuppertal as registered Director to find cannot,- independently that the then resolutions (if at all written) with JNP, anyway not legally its konnten.
Dies might be able to be confirmed nevertheless also on the part of Khun Atithaya.
Es as Director from the board gives a tidy withdrawal/resignation from LUTZ HAPPICH to 2013, as well as its office resignation as CEO.

I come to you into the office around the affair to settle and also around the originals sign. Proposal: In one morning as this week as possible.

Meine wife is designated as new Director of me, the ID card brings I with (she was also so far employee of the CETA society).With the message and entry of my wife and the withdrawal of Khun Atithaya with the DBD there is then 2 Directoren, i.e. Apiwong Kuhne and mich.

Ich comes again back on your email from 04. 08. the 2014 (that was the answer to the email of Lutz Happich from the same day to you).
Punkt 3 A.) this email contained the change of name of the society. This is also so bleiben.
The name would be “KUHNE & ASSOCIATE (SIAM) CO., Ltd.
Da a portion over conference now recently by Lutz Happich is blocked, is void also the last official act of Khun Ahitaya.

Ich would have gladly from your dossier 3 Share original Certicats, with the numbers 2, 3, 4 (with the establishment had developed). Please check this noch.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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