About 900 animals inhabit the West Coast Park and Sealarium St. Peter-ording. You will find the largest seal system of in Germany and sure on the beautiful animals hardly enough see you. Twice a day, even seal performances will take place. Will be amazed what they all do!
Unless of course also still quite many other animals in the Park of the West Coast live the seals. As you can see, for example, even donkeys, ponies, birds of prey, alpacas, and snowy owls. Especially great, it is natural to see the animals in their feeding. This you can do in the summer daily at the seals, turtles, pelicans, the cormorant and various domestic animals. In the winter, you can to see the seals at feeding. You can find out the feeding times at West Coast Park.
The West Coast Park offers many great deals, such as, for example, the programs "birds: featherweight survivalist", "seal: fascinating marine mammals of our coasts" or "Pets: best friends... the people" for groups. On the specified Web page, you will find more offers.
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