Suriyathat tritt in Erscheinung Als er diese Bitte ausgesprochen hatte การแปล - Suriyathat tritt in Erscheinung Als er diese Bitte ausgesprochen hatte อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Suriyathat tritt in Erscheinung Als

Suriyathat tritt in Erscheinung

Als er diese Bitte ausgesprochen hatte, stieg das Relikt hinauf in die Luft als helles Licht, das den ganzen Himmel erstrahlte. Die Engel verkündeten „Suryathatist in Erscheinung getreten, Suryathatist in Erscheinung getreten, Suryathatist in Erscheinung getreten“, 3 Mal hintereinander.

Luang Phor erschrak sehr. Alles war erfüllt mit großer Freude, die Erde bebte und Regen kam herab, wie aus einem Wasserfall, ganz so, als würde ein Mensch weinen. Danach führten die Engel Luang Phor wieder in seinen Körper zurück. Als Luang Phor wieder zu sich kam, öffnete er die Tür und Kroch heraus. Er zündete Räucherstäbchen und Kerzen an und betete: „Wenn das, was sich mir offenbart hat, wahr ist - und warum sollte es nicht wahr sein, wenn ich doch so erlebt habe - so sollen meine Beine wieder gesund werden und ich wieder gehen können, wie ein gesunder Mann. Ich werde einen geeigneten Ort für die Ankunft vorbereiten“. Nach diesem Gebet, zog er sich in sein Zimmer zurück und ruhte sich aus. Als er am nächsten Morgen erwachte, konnte er zwar gehen, war aber noch nicht gesund. Als er große Schmerzen hatte, rief er seinen Schüler und bat ihn, ihm zu helfen, warmes Wasser vorzubereiten und Kräuterpressen. Der Schüler, der die Kräuterpresse vorbereitete, sagte Luang Phor, dass diese noch sehr heiß seien. Als er sie jedoch auf die Beine von Luang Phor legte, sagte dieser, dass er gar nichts spüre. Der Schüler stutzte und erwärmte sie erneut. Als er sie wieder auf Luang Phors Beine legte, geschah dasselbe. Das liegt an Suriyathat. Daran, dass die Engel verkündet haben, Suriyathat ist in Erscheinung getreten. Suriyathat ist das helle Licht von Buddha. Das Relikt von Buddha ist in Erscheinung getreten, Suriyathat ist in Erscheinung getreten.

Luang Phor bat daher Luang Pu Nophasit einen Sticker für das Auto vorzubereiten mit der Aufschrift: „Suriyathat ist in Erscheinung getreten“. Nachdem Luang Phor dieses unglaubliche Erlebnis hatte, begann er die Geschichten von Buddhas Relikten zu studieren. Er begann die Begebenheiten zu Buddhas Zeiten zu verstehen.

Inder Vergangenheit, als Buddha die Erleuchtung erlangte, haben religiöse Mystiker seine Religion gepredigt und erklärt. "Buddha ist geboren, Buddha ist geboren, Buddha ist geboren“ 3 Mal. Dies ist die Herkunft von Buddha für alle Zeitalte. Der Ausdruck „Suriyathat ist in Erscheinung getreten“ bedeutet: Buddha ist geboren, er ist erschienen, mit seinem Körper, seinen Fähigkeiten. Als Suriyathat in Erscheinung getreten ist, brachte dies die vier Elemente der Erde ins Schwanken. Erde, Wasser, Luft und Feuer gerieten in Bewegung. Ein Erdbeben brach aus, es regnete, Unwetter tobten. Alles brach aus, Erde, Wasser, Luft und Feuer, um Buddha zu empfangen. Als Buddha in Erscheinung getreten ist, entstand M.S. , entstand M.S. , entstand M.S. ,. Dies ist das Zeitalter von Civilize.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Suriyathat emerges When he had spoken this request, the relic went up in the air as a bright light which shone the whole sky. The angels announced 3 times, one after the other "Suryathatist in appearance entered, entered Suryathatist in appearance, joined Suryathatist in appearance".Luang Phor was very frightened. Everything was filled with great joy, the earth shook and the rain descended, like from a waterfall, just as a man would cry. Then the angels took back again Luang Phor in his body. When Luang Phor came to himself, he opened the door and crawled out. He lit candles and incense and prayed: "if what is revealed to me, is true - and why should it be true, when I've seen so - so should my legs be healthy again and I go back, like a healthy man. I will prepare a suitable venue for the arrival". After this prayer, he withdrew to his room and rested. When he awoke the next morning, he could be, but still not healthy. When he was in great pain, he called his disciples, and asked him to help him to prepare hot water and herb presses. The students who prepared the herbal press, Luang Phor said that they are still very hot. As he put it on the legs of Luang Phor however, this said, that he feels nothing. The students stopped short and warm it again. As he put it once again on Luang Phors legs, same thing happened. This is due to Suriyathat. Because the angels have announced that Suriyathat is entered in appearance. Suriyathat is the bright light of Buddha. The relic of Buddha has entered appearance, entered Suriyathat in appearance.Luang Phor asked therefore Luang Pu Nophasit to prepare a sticker for the car with the inscription: "Suriyathat occurred in appearance". After Luang Phor had this incredible experience, he began to study the stories of Buddha's relics. He began the stories Buddha's times to understand.Indian past, as Buddha enlightenment gained religious Mystics preached his religion and explains. "Buddha was born, was born Buddha, Buddha is born" 3 times. This is the origin of the Buddha for the elderly of all time. The term "Suriyathat has entered appearance" means: Buddha was born, he published his skills, his body. Suriyathat occurred in appearance, this brought the four elements of Earth in the swaying. Earth, water, air and fire were on the move. An earthquake broke out, it was raining, storms raged. Everything broke out, Earth, water, air and fire, to receive Buddha. When Buddha entered in appearance, was m.s., was m.s., was M.S.,. This is the age of civilize.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Suriyathat its appearance when he had spoken this request, the relic went up in the air as the bright light that lit up the whole sky. The angels heralded "Suryathatist have appeared, came Suryathatist in appearance, Suryathatist have appeared" 3 times in a row. Luang Phor was very frightened. Everything was filled with great joy, the earth shook and the rain came down like a waterfall, just as a man would cry. Then the angel Luang Phor led back into his body. Luang Phor than came to himself, he opened the door and crawled out. He lit incense and candles and prayed: "If what has been revealed to me, is true - and why should it not be true if I do have experienced so - so are my legs are healthy again and I can go back as a healthy man. I'll prepare a suitable place for the arrival ". After this prayer, he retired to his room and rested. When he awoke the next morning, he could go, but was not healthy. When he was in great pain, he called his disciples and asked him to help him prepare hot water and herbs presses. The student, who prepared the herbs press, Luang Phor said that they were still very hot. However, when he put on the legs of Luang Phor said this, that he can not feel anything. The student was taken aback and heated it again. As he put it back to Luang phoRS legs, the same thing happened. This is due to Suriyathat. The fact that the angels have announced Suriyathat has appeared. Suriyathat is the bright light of Buddha. The relic of Buddha has appeared, Suriyathat has appeared. Luang Phor Luang Pu therefore asked Nophasit a sticker for the car to prepare with the inscription: "Suriyathat has appeared". After Luang Phor had this incredible experience, he began the stories of the Buddha's relics to study. He started the events in Buddha's time to understand. Indian past, when Buddha attained enlightenment, religious mystics have preached and explained his religion. .. "Buddha was born, Buddha was born, Buddha is born" 3 times, this is the origin of Buddha for all time Old The term "Suriyathat has appeared" means: Buddha was born, he appeared with his body, his skills. As a Suriyathat made ​​its appearance, this brought the four elements of earth falter. earth, water, air and fire were set in motion. An earthquake broke out, it was raining, storm raged. Everything broke out, earth, water, air and fire, to receive Buddha. When the Buddha has appeared, MS originated, developed MS, MS was created. This is the age of Civilize.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Suriyathat steps the relic into Erscheinung

as it this request had expressed, rose up into air as bright light, which lit up the whole sky. The angels announced „Suryathatist into action gone, to Suryathatist into action gone, Suryathatist into action gone “, 3 times hintereinander.

Luang Phor frightened much. Everything was fulfilled with large joy,the earth trembled and rains came down, as from a water fall, completely, as if humans would cry. Afterwards the angels Luang Phor led back again into his body. When Luang Phor came again to itself, he opened the door and crept out. It ignited joss sticks and candles and prayed: „If what revealed itself to me, truely actual and why should not it be true,if I experienced nevertheless in such a way - so my legs recovered are to become and be able I again to go, like a healthy man. I will prepare a suitable place for the arrival “. After this prayer, he withdrew into his room and rested themselves. As it on the next morning awaked, could go it, was not healthy however yet. When it had large pain,he called his pupil and asked him to help it to prepare warm water and herb presses. The pupil, who prepared the herb press, said Luang Phor that these were still very hot. When it put it however on the legs of Luang Phor, said this that he do not feel nothing at all. The pupil shortened and warmed up her again. When it put it to Luang Phors of legs,the same happened. That is because of Suriyathat. To the fact that the angels announced, Suriyathat went into action. Suriyathat is the bright light of Buddha. The relic from Buddha went Suriyathat into action, is in feature getreten.

Luang Phor asked from there Luang Pu Nophasit a sticker for the car to prepare with the label:„Suriyathat went into action “. After Luang Phor had this unbelievable experience, he began to study stories of Buddhas relics. It began the occurences to Buddhas times to verstehen.

Inder past, when Buddha attained the enlightenment, religious mystics its religion preached and explained. “Buddha is born, Buddha is born,
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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