All das was du dir vorgenommen hast, soll in Erfüllung gehen mein Engel
Alles, alles Liebe zum Geburtstag wünschen Dir von Herzen Deine Clubfreunde
Alles alles Gute zum Geburtstag und jeden Tag Frohsinn und Zufriedenheit
Alles Liebe und Gute zu deiner ersten Null in deinem Alter, zum 20. Geburtstag
Alles Gute zum Geburstag, ich wünsche dir Mama viel Gesundheit und viel Glück.
Alles Beste zu Deinem runden Geburtstag wünscht Dir ..... Bleib so wie Du bist.
Aufregendes und viel Schönes wünschen wir Dir zum 20. Geburtstag
Das Beste vom Besten zum 30.Geburtstag, viele Sonnenstunden wünschen
Dein neues Lebensjahr soll Dir viel Glück und Freude bringen, Deine
Die besten Wünsche dem glücklichen Geburtstagskind, bleibe weiterhin wie Du jetzt bist
Hallo, ich wünsche dir nur das Beste und einen schönen, unvergesslichen Geburtstag
Hallo ......, zu deinem 40. Geburtstag alles Liebe und Gesundheit von Deiner besten Freundin
Hey wow, du bist 35 geworden willkommen im Club der Gleichaltrigen
Hoch sollst du leben, hoch sollst du leben, 3 x hoch. Liebe Glückwünsche zum großen Tag
Herzliche Geburtstagsgrüsse und ein buntes Feuerwerk an Erlebnissen für Dich
everything that you've made to go in fulfillment of my angel
***** everything, everything you love birthday wish of your hearts club friends
***** everything happy birthday and every day cheerfulness and satisfaction
***** love and everything good to your first zero in your old, 20th birthday
happy birthday,I wish you much health and good luck mama. *****
all the best round to your birthday wishes to you ..... stay the way you are.
***** Exciting and we wish you a lot of nice 20th birthday
***** for the best of the best 30th birthday, many hours of sunshine wish
***** your new life is happiness and bring you much joy, your
*****best wishes to the happy birthday child, still remain as you are now
***** Hello, I wish you all the best and a nice, memorable birthday
***** hi ...... to your 40th all birthday love and health of your best friend
hey wow, you're welcome to the club 35 become the same age
***** up you shall live,high shalt thou live, 3 x high. love congratulations to a great day
***** warm birthday greetings and a colorful fireworks of experiences for you
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

All the things you've made friends, should go in fulfilling my Angel
your club friends wish you everything, everything dear to the birthday of heart
all happy birthday and every day happiness and satisfaction
all love and good for your first zero at your age to the 20th anniversary
happy birthday, MOM wishing you good health and much happiness.
everything best for your birthday wish... Stay as you are.
We wish you exciting and much beauty you 20th birthday
the best of the best to the 30.Geburtstag, wish you many hours of sunshine
your new year will bring you good luck and joy, your
Best wishes stay still the lucky birthday child, as you're now
Hi, I wish you all the best and a beautiful, unforgettable birthday
hi... for your 40th birthday of all love and health of your best friend
Hey wow, you 35 became welcome at the Club of peers
you're supposed to live high, up to you live, 3 x high. Dear congratulations on the big day
birthday greetings and a colorful fireworks of experiences for you
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

All which you planned, are into fulfillment to go my Engel
Alles, all love for the birthday wish you of heart your Clubfreunde
Alles happy birthday and each day cheerful nature and Zufriedenheit
Alles love and property to your first zero at your age, to 20. Geburtstag
Alles property to the Geburstag,I wish you mummy much health and much Glück.
Alles best one to your round birthday wish you…. remain like that as you am.
Aufregendes and much beautiful we wish you to 20. Geburtstag
Das best ones from the best one to the 30.Geburtstag, many sun hours wünschen
Dein new year of life is to bring you much luck and joy, Deine
The best desires for the happy birthday child, remains further as you bist
Hallo, I wish you only the best and a beautiful, unforgettable birthday now
Hallo ......, to your 40. Birthday all love and health of your best Freundin
Hey wow, you is 35 become welcome in the club of the Gleichaltrigen
Hoch is you to live,highly you are to live, 3 x highly. Love congratulations on the large Tag
Herzliche birthday greetings and multicolored fireworks at experiences for you
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