Durchschnittlich absolvierten sie 8,9 ± 7,4 Trainingsstunden in der Woche, und wiesen eine durchschnittliche VO2max von 55,7 ml/min/kg am Laufband bei Raumtemperatur (20°C) auf.
On average they completed 8.9 ± 7.4 training hours in the week, and showed an average VO2max of 55.7 ml / min / kg on the treadmill at room temperature (20 ° C).
On average, they completed 8.9 ± 7.4 hours of training a week, and had an average VO2max of 55.7 ml / min / kg on the treadmill at room temperature (20 ° C).
They on the average completed 8.9 ± 7.4 training hours in the week, and pointed an average VO2max from 55,7 ml/min/kg at the run volume at ambient temperature (20°C) up.