"When Jesse Caswell died suddenly of erysipelas [Erysipel, eine bakterielle Infektion der oberen Hautschichten und Lymphwege, zeigt sich als scharf begrenzte starke Rötung; Todesfolge ist gut belegt] on September 24. 1848, a very promising career was brought abruptly to a close. Five months later the young widow returned to America with her children. When Mongkut became King he remembered his friend, first by erecting a monument in his honor, and subsequently by sending gifts of $1000 und $500 to Mrs. Caswell by Dr. House. The manner of delivery of the second gift was to cause a serious rift within the missionary community, when it became known several years after the occasion that Dr. House had received the money from King Mongkut in hard currency but paid Mrs. Caswell in Greenbacks which were worth less than half their face value. Fortunately for King Mongkut this fact was not disclosed until several years after his death.