Keiner von uns hatte bislang mit einem Dichter gesprochen, er war unser aller erster und wußte das. Ich glaube, die Gäste und allen voran meine Mutter drängten ihn sehr. In seiner Not fiel sein Blick auf mich.
None of us had previously talked to a poet, he was our all first and he knew that. I think the guests and especially my mother urged him very. In his emergency dropped his gaze on me.
Neither of us had been talking to a poet, he was our very first and knew it. I think the guests and especially my mother urged him very much. In his distress he caught sight of me.
None of us had spoken so far with a poet, it was our all first and knew that. I believe, the guests and all this my mother pushed him in front much. In its emergency its view of me fell.