Sie sind wieder in Thailand Sie möchten eine Party machen Schreiben Sie drei Freunden einen Brief Geben Sie folgende Informationen Was machen Sie? Wo? Wann? Was kann man auf der Party essen und trinken? Was muss man noch mitbringen?
You are back in Thailand You want to make a party Write a letter to three friends Provide the following information What are you doing?Where?When?What can you at the party food and drink?What do you still need?
You are again in Thailand you want a party make post three friends a letter Enter the following information What are you doing? Where? When? What can you eat and drink at the party? What to bring yet?
they're back in thailand. they want to have a party. write a letter to the three friends provide the following information: what are you doing? - where? - when? "what you can eat and drink at the party? "what you need to bring?