Ich suche das ganz grosse Kino: Einen gut gebauten Mann, der immer will und kann, einen fetten Schwanz in der Hose hat und nicht klammert! Also, wenn Du Dich angesprochen fühlst, melde Dich...
I'm looking for the big cinema: A well-built man who always wants to and can, a fat Dick in the pants has and not cling! So, if you feel addressed, sign up...
I'm looking for the very large cinema: a well-built man who is always willing and able, has a fat dick in his pants and not excluded! So, if you feel you mentioned, you can sign up ...
I look for the completely large cinema: Einen well built man, who wants and can always, a fat tail in the trousers has und does not clasp! Thus, if you feel addressed, announce you…