Geschichte des Suriyathat
Der Phuphalarnsong Tempel ist dem Maha Nikaya Klerus zugeordnet. Das nationale Amt für Buddhismus verkündete die Einrichtung des Phuphalarnsong Tempels am1. Mai 2007. Der Tempel ist auf dem Berggipfel des Phalarnsong Berges errichtet (das Wort „Phalarnsong“ bedeutet Steinplateau), 4 km östlich vom Bezirk Na Chaluai entfernt. Dieser Tempel wird von den Bewohnern der Gemeinde Na Chaluai, Bezirk Na Chaluai, Provinz Ubon Ratchathani gefördert. Die Mönchsgemeinde wählte Phra Khru Thammathorn (Phrarangsi Chantaro) als ihren Abt am 11. Juni 2007. Die feierliche Eröffnung fand am 23. Juli 2007 statt, mit der Prinzessin Prathep als Eröffnungsvorstand.
Aufgrund der angenehmen Lage des Tempels, in einem Waldgebiet, bringen Meditationslehrer häufig ihre Schüler dort hin und lehren regelmäßig die spirituelle Praxis, schon als dort noch kein Tempel stand. Die Mönchsgemeinde nutzt diesen Ort traditionell für rituelle Praktiken nach der Fastenzeit (Ook Phansa).
Der Phuphalarnsong Tempel ist aus den Anstrengungen beider Parteien entstanden, sowohl der Mönchsgemeinde als auch den Anwohnern. Der buddhistische Lehrer, der als erster den Tempel errichtete, ist Phra Khru Wibun Thammathada, ehemaliger Dekan von dem Bezirk Det Udom. Er machte die Waldfläche bebaubar und schaffte die notwendigen Schlaf- und Wohnplätze, seit dem Jahre 1975. Während dieser Zeit war die Malaria sehr verbreitet, was den Aufbau des Tempels stark erschwerte. Dies erschwerte auch die Suche nach jungen Mönchen, die dort ihre Fastenzeit verbringen sollten.
Phra Khru Wibun Thammathada war bewusst, wie wichtig dieser Ort in der Zukunft sein würde, da er als Novize der Begleiter des Lehrers Phra Khru Wirot Rattanobon war, der ehemalige Abt der Provinz Ubon Ratchathani. Als der Tempel Wat Thung Si Mueang im Jahre 1901 wiederaufgebaut wurde, fand man eine altertümliche Schrift, in der geschrieben steht, dass zukünftig im Phuphalarnsong Tempel heilige Reliquien aufbewahrt würden.
Phra Khru Wirot Rattanobon, hat daraufhin seinem Schüler Phra Khru Wibun Thammathada aufgetragen, den Phuphalarnsong Tempel zu errichten, um die Weissagung zu erfüllen, so wie in der heiligen Schrift geschrieben. Die Mönchsgemeinde hatte alle Anstrengungen unternommen, um eine Statue zu errichten, die nach Kambodscha, Laos und Thailand ausgerichtet ist, da die Errichtungsstätte auf dem Grenzgebiet dieser drei Länder steht. Dies ließ sich jedoch nicht nach den Grundsätzen der drei Merkmale der Existenz (Vergänglichkeit, Unvollständigkeit und Nicht-Selbst) realisieren. Der Phuphalarnsong Tempel unterliegt zusätzlich dem Gesetz der Unstreitbarkeit. Eine wachsende Ära der Degeneration und Alter, das heißt, in manchen Jahren gibt es ausreichend Mönche und in manchen Jahren herrscht ein Mangel an buddhistischen Mönchen.
Bis zum Jahre 1999, als die Bewohner gemeinsam Luang Phor Phrarangsi, aus dem Waldtempel Pa Ban Kambon, darum baten, sich auf den Berg zu begeben und sich um den Phuphalarnsong Tempel zu kümmern, um die buddhistische Tradition weiter zu tragen. Luang Phor Phrarangsi schickte Schüler seines Tempels hinauf, um dort die Fastenzeit zu verbringen und sich um die Wohnstätten zu kümmern. Dies waren Phra Ajan Wit Pakuno, der altwürdige Phra Phun Sanutchituto und 2 Novizen. Phra Khru Suntorn Sarawat (Sunthorn Sunutro), Vorsitzender der Gemeinde, war Beratungsvorstand. Nach Ende der Fastenzeit konnten die Mönche und Novizen dort nicht länger bleiben, wegen verschiedener Probleme, sei es die Beschaffung von Lebensmitteln, die Nahrungsaufnahme, medizinische Versorgung, Infrastruktur, die Wegstrecke hinauf und hinab, so dass sie den Phuphalarnsong Tempel verlassen mussten und in einen anderen Tempel gehen mussten.
Im Jahr 2000 – 2002 ging Luang Phor Phrarangsi hinauf, um die Entwicklung voranzutreiben. Er ließ Schneisen errichten in den zwei Jahren und eine Straße erbauen, die zum Tempel führte. Er ordnete Dinge im Tempel und bereinigte die Umgebung. Er beauftragte Schüler, dies für ihn zu beaufsichtigen. Luang Phor Phrarangsi selbst, ging zurück zu seinem Pa Ban Kambon Tempel.
Im Ergebnis konnten die Schüler jedoch nicht dort bleiben, was Luang Phor Phrarangsi zum Nachdenken darüber anregte, warum dort niemand bleiben konnte. Er ging also selbst dorthin im Jahr 2004. Vor der Fastenzeit errichtete er sich ein Zelt, als Wohnort für die Fastenzeit. Von da an begann er Wohn- und Schlafplätze aufzubauen und holte nach und nach Mönche nach, um dort zu praktizieren und herauszufinden, warum die Mönche und Novizen es dort nicht aushielten. Später, sollten die Reliquien in den Tempel kommen, wie durch die alten Schriften vorhergesagt. Luang Phor rief die Mönchsgemeinde an, herbeizukommen und die Reliquien zu ehren. Zurzeit kommen die Gläubigen, die hiervon Kunde erfahren haben, herbei, um die Reliquien zu ehren.
Folgende Reliquien sind im Phuphalarnsong Tempel aufbewahrt:
1. Reliquien von Buddha, entdeckt von Luang Phor Phrarangsi Chantaroim Jahr 2004. Die Genehmigung, diese im Phuphalarnsong Tempel aufzubewahren, wurde erteil am Donnerstag, den 28.Oktober 2004 (15. Tag des zunehmenden Mondes im Monat11 Jahr des Affen)
Phra Srirangkarn
2. Phra Srirangkarn ist zum Phuphalarnsong Tempel gekommen, vor der großen Buddha-Statue, am 17. August 2005 um 17:30 Uhr. Luang Phor Phrarangsi hat ihn eingeladen, einen Pavillon zu errichten.
3. Die alte Schrift
Eine biblische Geschichte über Reliquien und die über die Zukunft des Landes etc., die die Engel Luang Phor Phrarangsi gebracht haben, aufgeteilt in zwei Perioden:
- Am 12. Oktober 2005 (9. Tag des zunehmenden Mondes11. Mondmonat im Jahr des Hahns) um 04.00 Uhr, haben Engel den ersten Teil der alten Schriften gebracht, bestehend aus 4 Seiten.
- Am 10. Juli 2006 (15. Tag des zunehmenden Mondes 8. Mondmonat, im Jahr des Hundes), haben Engel den zweiten Teil der heiligen Schrift gebracht, bestehend aus 11 Seiten.
4. Phra Khiao Fang und Phra Phuttalohit
Am21. September 2006(14. Tag des abnehmenden Mondes, Monat 10 Jahr des Hahns) um16.00 Uhrbegaben sich Phra Khiao Fangund Phra Phuttalohitzur Statue von Luang Pu Mokkalana im Pa Ban Khambon Tempel,Gemeinde Ban Tum, Bezirk Na Chaluai, Provinz Ubon Ratchathani.Luang Phor Phrarangsi hatte sie eingeladen, um den Phuphalarnsong Tempel zu weihen.
5. Buddhas rechter Fußabdruck, am28.September 2006 um23.00Uhr
Luang Phor Phrarangsi hat den Fußabdruck Buddhas entdeckt, im Bereich des Brunnens Bo Nam Put (Nam Bun). Diesen Fußabdruck hat Buddha hinterlassen, als er 50 Jahre alt war. Zu dieser Zeit kam er nach Thailand, um die buddhistische Religion zu einzuführen.
6. Handabdruck
Am 31. August 2008 hat Luang Phor Phrarangsi eine Spendenveranstaltung organisiert, den Handabdruck, den er vor der historischen Klippe gefunden hatte, einzuweihen.
Außerdem gibt es noch weitere heilige Orte:
1. Wibun Thammatadanusorn Pavilion. Dies ist der Ort an dem die Reliquien von vielen ehrwürdigen Mönchsvätern aufbewahrt sind.
2. Mauer um Buddhas Fußabdruck
Die Mauer um Buddhas Fußabdruckhat Luang Phor Phrarangsi im Jahr 2008errichten lassen, um Buddhas Fußabdruck herum, der entdeckt wurde und um der buddhistischen Religionsgemeinde zu ermöglichen, den Fußabdruck Buddhas Buddhas zu ehren. Der Fußabdruck liegt vom Phuphalarnsong Tempel in südlicher Richtung2.5Km entfernt.
3. Die historischen Klippen
Über die historischen Steine sind viele Geschichten in den heiligen Schrift niedergeschrieben. Die Steinplatten sind ca. 2 Km lang. Als historische Quelle und archäologische Beweise, hat Luang Phor Phrarangsi Phra Mahaphulanka beauftragt, die Inschriften zu sammeln und zusammen zu tragen. Dies wurde Ende April2008 abgeschlossen.
History of SuriyathatThe Phuphalarnsong is a temple associated with the Maha Nikaya clergy. The national Buddhism Office announced the establishment of the Phuphalarnsong Temple am1. May 2007. The temple is on the Summit of Phalarnsong mountain built (the word "Phalarnsong" meaning stone plateau), na Chaluai is 4 km east of the district. This temple is promoted na na Chaluai of Ubon Ratchathani province Chaluai district by the inhabitants of the municipality. The monastic community chose as their Abbot Phra Khru Thammathorn (Phrarangsi Chan Park) on June 11, 2007. The ceremonial opening took place on July 23, 2007, with the Princess Prathep as opening Executive Board.Due to the convenient location of the temple, in a wooded area, meditation teachers often take their students there and teach the spiritual practice regularly, as there is still no temple stood. The monastic community traditionally uses this place for ritual practices for lent (ook Phansa).The Phuphalarnsong Temple is emerged from the efforts of both parties, the monastic community as well as local residents. The Buddhist teacher, who built the Temple first, is Phra Khru Wibun Thammathada, former Dean of the District of Det Udom. He made the forest buildable land and made the necessary sleeping and living areas, since 1975. During this time, malaria was widespread, which greatly hampered the construction of the temple. This hampered the search after young monks who should spend their Lenten season.Phra Khru Wibun Thammathada was the former abbot of Ubon Ratchathani province, consciously, this place in the future would be as important, because he was the companion of the teacher Phra Khru Wirot Rattanobon as a novice. As the temple WAT thung SI Mueang was rebuilt in 1901, they found an ancient Scripture in which is written, that in the future the Phuphalarnsong Temple Holy relics were kept in.Phra Khru Wirot Rattanobon, has applied affiliated Phra Khru Wibun Thammathada his students, to build the Phuphalarnsong temple to fulfill the prophecy, as written in the Holy Scriptures. The monastic community had made every effort to build a statue, which is geared to Cambodia, Laos and Thailand, as is the construction site on the border of the three countries. This was however not according to the principles of the three characteristics of existence (impermanence, incompleteness and not-self) can be realised. The Phuphalarnsong Temple is in addition subject to the law of Unstreitbarkeit. A growing era of degeneration and age, that is to say, in some years, there are enough monks, and in some years there is a shortage of Buddhist monks.Up to 1999, as the inhabitants together Luang Phor Phrarangsi, from the forest Temple PA asked ban Kambon, to go to the mountain and to take care of the temple, the Phuphalarnsong to the Buddhist tradition continue to wear. Luang Phor Phrarangsi sent up students of his temple there lent to spend and to take care of the dwellings. These were the old dignified Phra Phun Sanutchituto, Phra Ayan wit Pakuno and 2 novices. Phra Khru Suntorn Sarawat (Sunthorn Sunutro), Chairman of the community, was Advisory Board. After the end of lent, could stay the monks and novices there any longer, because of various problems, unless the procurement of food, that food intake, medical care, infrastructure, the route had to go up and down so that they had to leave the Phuphalarnsong Temple, and in an another temple.Luang Phor Phrarangsi went up in 2000-2002, to promote the development. He had roads built in the two years and build a road leading to the temple. He ordered things in the temple, and adjusted to the environment. He instructed students to supervise this. Temple, Kambon ban Luang Phor Phrarangsi itself, is returned to his PA.As a result the students could however not stay there, what stimulated Luang Phor Phrarangsi to think about, why nobody could stay there. He went so even there in 2004. Prior to lent, he erected a tent, as a place of residence for lent. From then on, he began to build living - and sleeping places and gradually won after monks there to practice and to find out why the monks and novices there not thought of it. The relics in the temple should come later, as predicted by the ancient scriptures. Luang Phor phoned the monastic community to come and honor the relics. Currently, the believers who have experienced this customer, come to honor the relics.Following relics are kept in the Phuphalarnsong Temple:1 in 2004 discovered relics of Buddha, by Luang Phor Phrarangsi Chantaroim. The permission to keep them in the Phuphalarnsong Temple, was teach on Thursday, the 28th, 2004 (15th day of the waxing Moon in the Monat11 year of the monkey)Phra Srirangkarn2. Phra Srirangkarn has temple to the Phuphalarnsong, before the statue of Buddha, on 17 August 2005 at 17:30. Luang Phor Phrarangsi invited him to build a pavilion.3. the old fontA biblical story of relics and about the future of the country etc., who brought the angels Luang Phor Phrarangsi, divided into two periods:-On October 12, 2005 (day 9 of the increasing Mondes11. Lunar month in the year of the Rooster) to 4 pm, Angel brought the first part of the ancient scriptures, consisting of 4 pages.-On July 10, 2006 (15th day of the waxing Moon of 8th lunar month, in the year of the dog), Angel brought the second part of Scripture, consisting of 11 pages. 4. Phra Khiao fishing and Phra PhuttalohitAm21. September 2006(14. Tag des abnehmenden Mondes, Monat 10 Jahr des Hahns) um16. 00 pm be gifts is Phra Khiao Fangund Phra Phuttalohitzur statue of Luang Pu Mokkalana in PA ban Khambon Temple, community ban Tum, district na Chaluai, province of Ubon Ratchathani.Luang Phor Phrarangsi she invited, to consecrate the Phuphalarnsong Temple. 5 Buddhas right footprint, am28.September 2006 um23. 00 pm Luang Phor Phrarangsi has discovered the Buddha's footprint in the area of the fountain Bo Nam Put (Nam bun). Buddha has left this footprint, when he was 50 years old. At this time, he came to Thailand, to introduce to the Buddhist religion. 6 handprintOn August 31, 2008, Luang Phor Phrarangsi has organized a fundraising event to inaugurate the Palm print he had found before the historic cliff.There are also other sacred places:1 Wibun Thammatadanusorn Pavilion. This is the place where the relics of many venerable monk fathers are kept.2. wall around a Buddha footprint In the year of 2008errichten, let the wall around Buddha Fußabdruckhat Luang Phor Phrarangsi Buddha footprint around, discovered and to allow the Buddhist religious community to honor the Buddha Buddha footprint. The footprint is located by the Phuphalarnsong Temple in southern Richtung2. 5 km away.3. the historic cliff Many stories in the Scriptures are written down over the historic rocks. The stone slabs are about 2 km long. As a source of historical and archaeological evidence, Luang Phor Phrarangsi Phra Mahaphulanka has commissioned to collect the inscriptions and to wear together. This was completed end April2008.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

History of Suriyathat Phuphalarnsong The temple is associated with the Maha Nikaya clergy. The National Office for Buddhism proclaimed the establishment of the temple Phuphalarnsong am1. May 2007. The temple is built on the summit of the mountain Phalarnsong (the word "Phalarnsong" means stone plateau), 4 km east of the district Na Chaluai away. This temple is funded by the inhabitants of the municipality Chaluai Na, Na Chaluai District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. The community of monks chose Phra Khru Thammathorn (Phrarangsi Chantaro) as its abbot on June 11, 2007. The opening ceremony took place on 23 July 2007 instead, with the Princess Prathep as opening Board. Due to the convenient location of the temple, in a wooded area, bring meditation teacher often their students there and teach regular spiritual practice, even as there was still no temple. The monastic community uses this traditional place for ritual practices after Lent (Ook Phansa). The Phuphalarnsong temple is the result of the efforts of both parties, both the monastic community as well as local residents. The Buddhist teacher, who built the first temple, Phra Khru is Wibun Thammathada, former dean of the district Det Udom. He made the forest land cultivable and made the necessary sleeping and living spaces, since 1975. During this time, malaria was common, which makes the structure of the temple hampered greatly. This also made it difficult to search for young monks who should be spending their Lent there. Phra Khru Wibun Thammathada was aware of the importance of this place would be in the future, since he was a novice the companion of the teacher Phra Khru Wirot Rattanobon, the former abbot Ubon Ratchathani province. When the temple Wat Thung Si Mueang was rebuilt in 1901, they found an ancient text in which it is written that the future holy relics were kept in Phuphalarnsong temple. Phra Khru Wirot Rattanobon has subsequently applied to his pupil Phra Khru Wibun Thammathada, the to build Phuphalarnsong temple to fulfill the prophecy, as written in the Holy Scriptures. The monastic community had made every effort to erect a statue that is aligned to Cambodia, Laos and Thailand, as the construction site is on the border area of the three countries. However, this could not be implemented according to the principles of the three characteristics of existence (impermanence, incompleteness and non-self). The temple also Phuphalarnsong subject to the law of Unstreitbarkeit. A growing era of degeneration and age, that is, in some years there are plenty of monks and in some years there is a lack of Buddhist monks. By the year 1999, when the inhabitants together Luang Phor Phrarangsi, from the Forest Temple Pa Ban Kambon, so asked to go to the mountain and to take care of the Phuphalarnsong temple to wear the Buddhist tradition. Luang Phor Phrarangsi sent students up his temple, there to spend the Lent and to take care of the homes. These were Phra Ajan Wit Pakuno, the altwürdige Phra Phun Sanutchituto and 2 novices. Phra Khru Suntorn Sarawat (Sunthorn Sunutro), Chairman of the community, was advising the Executive Board. After the end of Lent, the monks and novices could not stay there any longer, because of various problems, it was the procurement of food, food intake, health care, infrastructure, traveled up and down, so that they had to leave the temple the Phuphalarnsong and in a other temples had to go. In the year 2000 - 2002 Luang Phor Phrarangsi went upstairs to promote the development. He left lanes built in the two years and built a road leading to the temple. He arranged things in the temple, and adjusting for the environment. He instructed students to supervise this for him. Luang Phor Phrarangsi himself, went back to his Pa Ban Kambon temple. As a result, however, the students could not stay there, Luang Phor what Phrarangsi encouraged to think about why no one was there to stay. So he went there himself in 2004. Before Lent he erected a tent, as the residence for Lent. From then on, he began living and sleeping spaces and build gradually picked by monks to practice there and find out why the monks and novices could not stand it there. Later, the relics should come into the temple, as predicted by the ancient scriptures. Luang Phor called to the monastic community, to draw near and to honor the relics. Currently, the faithful who have experienced thereof customer come, bring to honor the relics. The following relics are kept in Phuphalarnsong temple . 1 Relics of the Buddha, Luang Phor discovered by Phrarangsi Chantaroim 2004. The permit to keep this in Phuphalarnsong temple, was as granted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 (the 15th day of the waxing moon in Monat11 Year of the Monkey) Phra Srirangkarn . 2 Phra Srirangkarn has come to Phuphalarnsong temple, before the big Buddha statue, on 17 August 2005 at 17:30 clock. Luang Phor Phrarangsi invited him to build a gazebo. . 3 The old font A Biblical story of relics and the future of the country, etc., which have brought the angels Luang Phor Phrarangsi divided into two periods: -. On October 12, 2005 (9th day of the waxing moon Mondes11 month in the year of Hahn) at 04.00 clock, angels have brought the first part of the ancient scriptures, consisting of 4 pages. - On July 10, 2006 (the 15th day of the waxing moon 8th lunar month, in the Year of the Dog), angels have the second part of brought scriptures, consisting of 11 pages. . 4 Phra Khiao fishing and Phra Phuttalohit AM21. September 2006 (the 14th day of the waning moon, Month 10 Year of the Rooster) at 16.00 Uhrbegaben is Phra Khiao Fangund Phra Luang Pu Phuttalohitzur statue of Mokkalana in Ban Pa Khambon temple, community Ban Tum Na Chaluai District, Ubon province Ratchathani.Luang Phor Phrarangsi had invited them to consecrate the temple Phuphalarnsong. . 5 Buddha's footprint right, am28.September 2006 um23.00Uhr Luang Phor Phrarangsi discovered the footprint of the Buddha, in the area of the well Nam Bo Put (Nam Bun). This footprint left when he was 50 years old Buddha. At this time he came to Thailand to introduce the Buddhist religion. . 6 Handprint On August 31, 2008, Luang Phor Phrarangsi organized a fundraising event, handprint, he had found in front of the historic Cliff inaugurate. In addition, there are other sacred places: 1st Wibun Thammatadanusorn Pavilion. This is the place where the relics are kept by many venerable monk fathers. . 2 To Buddha footprint wall let the wall around Luang Phor Buddha Fußabdruckhat Phrarangsi 2008errichten in order to allow Buddha footprint around, which was discovered by the Buddhist religion and community to honor the Buddha's footprint of Buddha. The footprint is from Phuphalarnsong temple in southern Richtung2.5Km away. . 3 The historic cliffs over the past stones are written many stories in the scriptures. The slabs are about 2 km long. As a historical source and archaeological evidence, Luang Phor Phra Phrarangsi Mahaphulanka commissioned to collect the inscriptions and to carry along. This was completed in late April2008.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

History of the Suriyathat
Der Phuphalarnsong temple is assigned to Maha Nikaya clergy. The national office for Buddhism announced the facility of the Phuphalarnsong of temple am1. May 2007. The temple is distant for Chaluai on the mountain summit of the Phalarnsong of mountain established (the word „Phalarnsong “means stone plateau), 4 km east of the district well.This temple is promoted by the inhabitants of the community well Chaluai, district well Chaluai, province Ubon Ratchathani. The monk community selected Phra Khru Thammathorn (Phrarangsi Chantaro) as its abbott on 11 June 2007. The solemn opening took place on 23 July 2007, with the princess Prathep as Eröffnungsvorstand.
Aufgrund of the pleasant situation of the temple, in a forest area,take meditation teachers frequently their pupils there and teach regularly spiritual practice, already as still no temple stood there. The monk community uses this place traditionally for ritual practices after the period of fasting (Ook company NSA).
Der Phuphalarnsong temple developed for the monk community and the adjacents resident from the efforts of both parties, both.The Buddhist teachers, which as the first established the temple, Phra Khru Wibun Thammathada is, former dean of the district Det Udom. It made the forest area more suitable for building and created the necessary sleep and domiciles, since the year 1975. While this time was the malaria very common, which made the structure more difficult of the temple strongly. This less favourable also the search for young monks,those their period of fasting spend sollten.
Phra Khru Wibun Thammathada there were conscious, how important this place would be in the future, since it was as Novize of the companions of the teacher Phra Khru Wirot Rattanobon, the former abbott of the province Ubon Ratchathani. When the temple wade to Thung SI Mueang in the year 1901 one rebuilt, one found an ancient writing, in which written is located,that in the future in the Phuphalarnsong temple keeps holy relics würden.
Phra for Khru Wirot Rattanobon, has thereupon its pupil Phra Khru Wibun Thammathada laid on to establish the Phuphalarnsong temple in order to fulfill the instruction saying as written in the holy writing. The monk community had undertaken all efforts, in order to establish a Statue, those to Cambodia,Laos and Thailand are aligned, since the establishment place stands on the border area of these three countries. This did not let itself realize however after the principles of the three characteristics of the existence (perishability, incompleteness and non--even). The Phuphalarnsong temple is subject additionally to the law of the Unstreitbarkeit. An increasing era of degeneration and the age, that is,to carry in some years gives it sufficiently monks and in some years prevails lack to Buddhist Mönchen.
as far as years 1999, when the inhabitants together Luang Phor Phrarangsi, from which forest temple Pa Ban Kambon, therefore asked, to go on the mountain and worry about the Phuphalarnsong temples, in order the Buddhist tradition further.Luang Phor Phrarangsi sent pupils of its temple up, in order to spend the period of fasting there and worry about the dwellings. This were Phra Ajan Wit Pakuno, the old-worthy Phra Phun Sanutchituto and 2 Novizen. Phra Khru Suntorn Sarawat (Sunthorn Sunutro), chairmen of the community, was consulting executive committee.After end of the period of fasting the monks and Novizen could not remain longer there, because of different problems, are it the procurement of food, food intake, medical supply, infrastructure, the distance up and down there, so that they had to leave and into another temple go the Phuphalarnsong temple mussten.
In the year 2000 – 2002 ascended Luang Phor Phrarangsi, in order to advance the development. It let flight corridors establish in the two years and build a road, which led to the temple. It arranged things in the temple and settled the environment. It assigned pupils to supervise this for it. Luang Phor Phrarangsi, went back to its Pa Ban Kambon Tempel.
In the result the pupils could not remain there however, which suggested Luang Phor Phrarangsi for thinking about it, nobody remain why there could. It went thus even there in the year 2004. Before the period of fasting it established itself a tent, as residence for the period of fasting. From then on it began to develop apartment and sleeping places and retrieved gradually monks,in order to practice and find out there, why the monks and Novizen did not bear it there. Later, the relics should come into the temple, as predicted by the old writings. Luang Phor called the monk community to come along and honour the relics. At present the believers, which of it customer experienced, come along, around the relics too ehren.
The following relics are kept in the Phuphalarnsong temple:
1. relics of Buddha, discovers from Luang Phor Phrarangsi Chantaroim year 2004. Approval for keeping these in the Phuphalarnsong temple became gives on Thursday, the 28.Oktober 2004 (15. Day of the waxing moon in the Monat11 year of the ape)
Phra Srirangkarn
2. Phra Srirangkarn came to the Phuphalarnsong temple,before the large Buddha statue, on 17 August 2005 around 17:30 clock. Luang Phor Phrarangsi invited it, a pavilion to errichten.
3. the old Schrift
Eine Biblical history over relics and over the future of the country etc., which brought the angels to Luang Phor Phrarangsi, divided into two periods:
on 12 October 2005 (9th day of the increasing Mondes11.In the year of the cock) at 04.00, angel brought, consisting moon month to o'clock the first part of the old writings of 4 Seiten.
on 10 July 2006 (15. Angel brought, consisting day of the waxing moon to 8th moon month, in the year of the dog), the second part of the holy writing of 11 Seiten.
4. Phra Khiao catch and Phra Phuttalohit
Am21. September 2006 (14. Day of the waning moon,Year of the cock) um16.00 clock-went month 10 Phra Khiao Fangund Phra Phuttalohitzur Statue of Luang Pu Mokkalana in the Pa Ban Khambon temple, community Ban Tum, district well Chaluai, province Ubon Ratchathani.Luang Phor Phrarangsi it had invited, around the Phuphalarnsong temple too weihen.
5. Buddha right foot casting, am28. September 2006 um23.00Uhr
Luang Phor Phrarangsi discovered the foot casting Buddha, within the range of the well Bo Nam PUT (Nam Bun). Buddha left this foot casting, when it was 50 years old. To this time he came to Thailand, in order to introduce the Buddhist religion too.
6. Handabdruck
Am 31 August 2008 organized Luang Phor Phrarangsi a donation event, the hand casting,which he had found before the historical cliff, einzuweihen.
Außerdem there are still further holy places:
1. Wibun Thammatadanusorn Pavilion. This is the place at that the relics kept by many venerable monk fathers sind.
2. wall around Buddhas foot casting
Die wall around Buddhas Luang Phor Phrarangsi in the year 2008errichten left, around Buddhas foot casting around,one discovered and around the Buddhist religion community to make possible to honour the foot casting Buddha Buddha. The foot casting lies from the Phuphalarnsong temple into southern Richtung2.5Km entfernt.
3. the historical cliffs more
Über the historical stones is written down many stories into the holy writing. The flagstones are approx. 2 km long.As historical source and archaeological proofs, Luang Phor Phrarangsi Phra Mahaphulanka assigned to collect and together carry the inscriptions. This was locked end of April2008.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
