Da die Druck- und Dichteänderung in den Schallwellen adiabat verläuft, kann man wegen der geringen Amplituden einen reversible Prozess und damit eine isentrope Zustandsänderung annehmen. Dafür gilt aber:
Because the pressure and density change adiabat runs into the sound waves, one can assume a reversible process and thus a homentropic state change due to the low amplitude. For this, however:
Since the pressure and density change proceeds adiabatically in the sound waves can be a reversible process, and thus assume an isentropic state change due to the small amplitudes. But instead applies:
Since the pressure and density change in the sound waves adiabat runs, you can due to the low amplitudes a reversible process and accept a isentrope change. In order to do that, but: