Es ist nur das Problem, Sie haben, um durchzukommen.Nicht entmutigt, wenn Sie deprimiert sind, sind Sie haben nie den Horizont berührt, wie Sie es wünschen.Die Kraft der Ermutigung ist an sich.Kate, kannst du sein.
It is just the problem, you have to get through.Don't be discouraged if you are depressed, you have never the horizon touches as you wish.The power of encouragement is in itself.Kate, you can be.
It's just the problem, you have to durchzukommen.Nicht discouraged if you are depressed, you are never touches the horizon, as it is wünschen.Die power of encouragement to sich.Kate, you can be.
It is only the problem, you has, in order to come through. , If you are depressed, you are not discouraged the horizon never affected, as you wish it. The strength of the encouragement actually is. Kate, you can be.