Ich mag st. Peter Ording mäßig, weil dieser Ort sieht interessant aus, aber ich noch nie dort gewesen. Ich suchte nach Informationen über st. Peter Ording und ich mag ein Ort, es ist Westküstenpark. Tatsächlich, es sieht so friedlich und wunderschöner Ort. Es ist einer der schönsten angelegten Parks. Ich nie einmal im Westküstenpark gehen und ich möchte, dorthin zu gehen einen Tag. Das ist sehr interessant Platz in Deutschland. Das ist sehr gut Platz mit verschiedenen Schildkröten, Schlangen, Spinnen, Mäuschen, Fischen, Vögeln und viele andere. Für die Kids gibt es ein großes Hüpfkissen, einen Spielplatz, eine Lernscheune, elektrische Fahrzeuge und vor allem Picknickmöglichkeiten.
i like st. peter ording moderately, because this place looks interesting, but I have never been there. I was looking for information on st. peter ording and I like a place, it's west coast park. in fact, it looks so peaceful and beautiful place. it is one of the most beautiful landscaped parks. I never even go in west coast park and I want to go there one day.this is very interesting place in Germany. this is very good place with various turtles, snakes, spiders, a mouse, fish, birds and many others. for the kids there is a large bounce house, a playground, a learning barn, electric vehicles and picnic opportunities especially.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

I like St Peter Ording terms, because this site looks interesting, but I have never been there. I was looking for information about st. Peter Ording and I like a place, it's West Coast Park. In fact, it looks so peaceful and beautiful place. It is one of the most beautiful landscaped parks. I never even go in the West Coast Park and I want to go one day. This is very interesting place in Germany. This is very good place with various turtles, snakes, spiders, mice, fish, birds, and many others. For the kids there is a large bouncy castle, a playground, a learning barn, electric vehicles and especially picnic facilities.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

I like St. Peter Ording moderately, because this place looks interesting, but I never there been. I looked for information about St. Peter Ording and I like a place, it am west coast park. Actually, it sees so peacefully and beautiful place. It is one of the most beautiful parks put on. I never once in the west coast park go and I would like to go, there one day.That is very interesting place in Germany. That is very well place with different turtles, queues, spiders, little mouse, fish, birds and many different. For the kids there are a large hopping cushion, a playground, a learning barn, electrical vehicles and above all picknick possibilities.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..