was postet man denn Colleen? Diese ganzen dämlichen Zitate, Sprüche und Videos... Bilder von Essen, Stars und selbstverliebte Bilder. Facebook ist nicht für jeden das selbe. Hier sollte es vlt mehr um echte Dinge gehen. Zb Familienzusammenha
what post they because Colleen? This whole stupid quotes, sayings and videos... Pictures of food, stars and self-obsessed pictures. Facebook is not the same for everyone. Here it should go more to real things vlt. Eg Familienzusammenha
what one posting for Colleen? This whole stupid quotes, sayings and videos ... pictures of food, Stars and narcissistic images. Facebook is not for everyone the same. Here it should be about real things vlt more. Zb Familienzusammenha
what post one Colleen? These whole stupid quotations, sayings and videos… Pictures of meal, star and fell in love pictures. Facebook is not the same for everyone. Here should it vlt more of genuine things to be a matter. E.g. Familienzusammenha