Da der statische Druck beim Stoß sehr stark ansteigt, besteht die Gefahr der Grenzschichtablösung. Es muss also dafür gesorgt werden, dass die Grenzschichten nicht zu dick werden, was z.B. durch Grenzschichtabsaugung geschehen kann.
Since the static pressure in the shock greatly increases, risk of boundary layer separation. It must so to ensure that the interfaces are not too thick, what can be done for example by boundary layer suction.
Since the static pressure greatly increases the shock, there is a danger of the boundary layer separation. It must therefore be ensured that the boundary layers are not too thick, which may be done for example by BLS.
Because the static pressure at the shock very strong increases, there is a risk of Grenzschichtablosung. So it must be ensured that the boundary layers are not too thick, for example, what can be done by Grenzschichtabsaugung.