Aus dieser Betrachtungsweise geht eindeutig hervor, dass beim schrägen Verdichtungsstoß nur die Normalkomponente der Anströmgeschwindigkeit den Stoßbeziehungen unterliegt, während die Tangentialkomponente unverändert bleibt. Es gilt also:
Emerges from this point of view clearly, that the oblique compression shock only the normal component of the Upthrust is governed by the shock relations, while the tangential component remains unchanged. We must therefore:
From this perspective, it is clear that the oblique shock only the normal component of the flow velocity is subject to the shock relations, while the tangential component remains unchanged. Thus:
From this perspective it is clear that only the M-metal shells themselves when oblique Verdichtungsstoß Stoßbeziehungen is subject of the velocity, while the Tangentialkomponente remains unchanged. The rule is: