Laut „Forbes“ ist Bhumibol (35 Milliarden Euro schwer) der reichste Royal der Welt. Das Lotterleben von Söhnchen Maha Vajiralongkorn wird aus der Staatsschatulle gezahlt.
According to "Forbes" Bhumibol weighs the richest Royal in the world (35 billion euros). The dissolute life of son Maha Vajiralongkorn will be paid from the State box.
According to "Forbes" is Bhumibol (35 billion euros difficult) the richest Royal World. The dissolute life of son Vajiralongkorn is paid from the state coffers.
according to fortune"s bhumibol (35 billion heavy) the richest royal in the world. the loose life of sonny maha vajiralongkorn is the staatsschatulle paid.