Ach Paris,mir gefallen Thailändische Frauen sehr gut. Das Problem ist halt die Sprache..Ich weiß nicht genau ob da echte Liebe entstehen kann,wenn man nicht die gleiche Sprache spricht. Ich überlege RS mir noch. Danke Dir
Oh Paris, I like Thai women very well. The problem is just the language...I don't know exactly whether there real love can arise, if not the same language is spoken. I'm considering RS yet. Thank you
Oh Paris, I like Thai women very well. The problem is the language .. I do not know if there is real love can arise if you do not speak the same language. I am considering RS me. Thank you
Oh Thai women please Paris, me very well. The problem is stop the language. I white not exactly whether there genuine love develop can, if one does not speak the same language. I consider R-S me still. Thanks you